You are being broken out by the brother hood of steal.

you pass out and you wake up to red lights and sirens. They inject you with a green liquid and throw you on a vertabird. You are woken to see people over you in radiation suites. After the training you enter a room called the barracks where there is a nuclear explosion and you have to enter cryogenic freezing pods. They train you in stealth, lockpicking, computer hacking, sniping, and close combat. Here the action starts out quick with military simulations with a squad of six. <3ġ.FALLOUT NUCLEAR WINTER- this game should start in a pre-war secret military training facility. Including the ability to see the difference of eye color. Along with some body modifications, such as big head or little head, big breasts or small breasts, short or tall, fat, thin, or muscular, small feet or big feet. Like short hair, long hair styles, and not so flat and rough-looking faces. Like better hair styles and more attractive looking facial features. Also I think some better character features would be nice.

Some things that I think would be awesome is to be able to fall in love with a character, marry, and have at least one child that can grow up into a teenager, at least, in a certain amount of set days, of course. But some of the vault dwellers have dark hearts and decide that they want to have a world dominated by one in order to gain power and search for unused nuclear bombs to destroy anyone that doesn't obey their ruling.

Also you'll go to other vaults and bring them out of hiding in order to help create a new world. Create the currency with bottle caps, the founder of new radio stations, and such. Along the way you help your fellow vault dwellers explore and build. You, the main character, is one of the first people to climb out of a vault and see what's left of the world before the bombs hit. I like the idea of waking up in a vault but the time, I think, should be before Fallout 3's time.

This page is getting rather large, please continue your discussion on Forum:Fallout 4 Ideas 2012 This page consists of cool ideas that could be added to the next Fallout game or Fallout 3 for a new expansion.