R4 revolution for ds setup
R4 revolution for ds setup

R4 Revolution For Ds Software There are many R4DS and R4i card clones on the market, and it’s often difficult to figure out where is safe to buy. The system software for the R4 DS is called the Kernel, download the kernel files from the respective R4 or R4 SDHC homepage above (the kernels are unique for each device).

r4 revolution for ds setup

The R4 has no built in storage for its software, it keeps all needed files on the MicroSD card, this makes upgrades easy and the potential for damage is kept extremely low. Before it users had to use GBA Flash Cards + a PassMe card or install Custom Firmware on their DS to play NDS ROMs, but R4DS changed all that with a simple way of bypassing copy protection on the NDS and playing NDS. R4DS - Revolution 4 DS Roms Original R4 DS or Revolution 4 DS was the First and by far the best known SLOT-1 DS Rom Flash Card.

R4 revolution for ds setup