Above all, was the character of a tantric (a witch-doctor) in the series who performed the art of black magic on the burial ground with the motive to spread the evil soul’s power to humans. The plot also had included certain animal elements like cats, dogs and jackals roaming around on the the burial groundand could detect the presence of this evil spirit. It depicts the story of an evil soul which roams on the unholy burial ground. This series was orinally telecasted on Vijay TV channel. The storywith its dialogues, screenplay and lyrics, was directed by Yaar Kannan. Ronnie Screwwvala is the co-founder of the UTV (United Television) Software Communications Ltd and Deven Khote is the executive director of the company. The horror serial 'Jenmam X’ was produced by Ronnie Screwvala,his wife and his best friend.

Vethamalika () interviews patients under hypnosis and brings out the events in past lives that have connection with problems of the patients in current life.